Leasing Anjungan pengeboran Atlas Copco ROC 642 HP dari Swedia di Truck1, ID: 9410857

Sewa guna usaha Atlas Copco ROC 642 HP

Leasing Atlas Copco ROC 642 HP

Published: 2bl 29h

Leasing Atlas Copco ROC 642 HP Atlas Copco ROC 642 HP: gambar 1
Leasing Atlas Copco ROC 642 HP Atlas Copco ROC 642 HP: gambar 3
Leasing Atlas Copco ROC 642 HP Atlas Copco ROC 642 HP: gambar 4
Leasing Atlas Copco ROC 642 HP Atlas Copco ROC 642 HP: gambar 5
Leasing Atlas Copco ROC 642 HP Atlas Copco ROC 642 HP: gambar 6
Leasing Atlas Copco ROC 642 HP Atlas Copco ROC 642 HP: gambar 7
Leasing Atlas Copco ROC 642 HP Atlas Copco ROC 642 HP: gambar 8
Leasing Atlas Copco ROC 642 HP Atlas Copco ROC 642 HP: gambar 9
Leasing Atlas Copco ROC 642 HP Atlas Copco ROC 642 HP: gambar 10
Leasing Atlas Copco ROC 642 HP Atlas Copco ROC 642 HP: gambar 11
Leasing Atlas Copco ROC 642 HP Atlas Copco ROC 642 HP: gambar 12
Leasing Atlas Copco ROC 642 HP Atlas Copco ROC 642 HP: gambar 13
Leasing Atlas Copco ROC 642 HP Atlas Copco ROC 642 HP: gambar 14
Leasing Atlas Copco ROC 642 HP Atlas Copco ROC 642 HP: gambar 15
Leasing Atlas Copco ROC 642 HP Atlas Copco ROC 642 HP: gambar 16
Leasing Atlas Copco ROC 642 HP Atlas Copco ROC 642 HP: gambar 17
Leasing Atlas Copco ROC 642 HP Atlas Copco ROC 642 HP: gambar 18
Leasing Atlas Copco ROC 642 HP Atlas Copco ROC 642 HP: gambar 19
Leasing Atlas Copco ROC 642 HP Atlas Copco ROC 642 HP: gambar 20
Leasing Atlas Copco ROC 642 HP Atlas Copco ROC 642 HP: gambar 21
Leasing Atlas Copco ROC 642 HP Atlas Copco ROC 642 HP: gambar 22
Leasing Atlas Copco ROC 642 HP Atlas Copco ROC 642 HP: gambar 23
Leasing Atlas Copco ROC 642 HP Atlas Copco ROC 642 HP: gambar 24
Leasing Atlas Copco ROC 642 HP Atlas Copco ROC 642 HP: gambar 25
Leasing Atlas Copco ROC 642 HP Atlas Copco ROC 642 HP: gambar 26
Leasing Atlas Copco ROC 642 HP Atlas Copco ROC 642 HP: gambar 27
Leasing Atlas Copco ROC 642 HP Atlas Copco ROC 642 HP: gambar 28
Leasing Atlas Copco ROC 642 HP Atlas Copco ROC 642 HP: gambar 29
Leasing Atlas Copco ROC 642 HP Atlas Copco ROC 642 HP: gambar 30
Leasing Atlas Copco ROC 642 HP Atlas Copco ROC 642 HP: gambar 31
Leasing Atlas Copco ROC 642 HP Atlas Copco ROC 642 HP: gambar 32
Leasing Atlas Copco ROC 642 HP Atlas Copco ROC 642 HP: gambar 33
Leasing Atlas Copco ROC 642 HP Atlas Copco ROC 642 HP: gambar 34
Leasing Atlas Copco ROC 642 HP Atlas Copco ROC 642 HP: gambar 35
Leasing Atlas Copco ROC 642 HP Atlas Copco ROC 642 HP: gambar 36
Leasing Atlas Copco ROC 642 HP Atlas Copco ROC 642 HP: gambar 37
Leasing Atlas Copco ROC 642 HP Atlas Copco ROC 642 HP: gambar 38
Leasing Atlas Copco ROC 642 HP Atlas Copco ROC 642 HP: gambar 39
Ask for all available pictures

Published: 2bl 29h

Atur jadwal pembayaran sewa guna usaha
Pembayaran di muka
Jangka waktu sewa guna usaha, bulan
Tarif sewa guna usaha tahunan: 10%
11 340EUR/Bulan*
Harga awal 11 340 EUR
* Perkiraan perhitungan.

Nomor referensi

Tahun produksi


12547 jam


Sweden, Stockholm
Informasi lebih lanjut

Brand : Atlas Copco

Model : ROC 642 HP

Year of manufacture : 1999

VAT : 25

Internal stock no : 8584

Please provide reference number upon request: S8584

Drill rigg Atlas Copco ROC 642 HP with cab

- Manufacturer: Atlas Copco

- Model: ROC 642 HP

- Y.O.M: 1999

- Operating hours: 12 547 h

- Winch

- Working condition

- Wear as seen by age

For more pictures and video: Go to our website and search for 8584

Ready for delivery

Drill rigg Atlas Copco ROC 642 HP with cab is now for sale!

Minta penawaran leasing

Dealer ini hanya menerima permintaan leasing dari Jerman. Jadi masukkan nomor telepon Jerman. Tidak mungkin memasukkan nomor yang terdaftar di negara lain.

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Atur jadwal pembayaran sewa guna usaha
Pembayaran di muka
Jangka waktu sewa guna usaha, bulan
Tarif sewa guna usaha tahunan: 10%
11 340EUR/Bulan*
Harga awal 11 340 EUR
* Perkiraan perhitungan.
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