Leasing Pabrik beton Mobile Concrete Plant Promix-100.MB dari Turki di Truck1, ID: 9584163

Sewa guna usaha Mobile Concrete Plant Promix-100.MB

Leasing Mobile Concrete Plant Promix-100.MB

Published: 14h

Leasing  Mobile Concrete Plant Promix-100.MB Mobile Concrete Plant Promix-100.MB: gambar 1
Leasing  Mobile Concrete Plant Promix-100.MB Mobile Concrete Plant Promix-100.MB: gambar 3
Leasing  Mobile Concrete Plant Promix-100.MB Mobile Concrete Plant Promix-100.MB: gambar 4
Leasing  Mobile Concrete Plant Promix-100.MB Mobile Concrete Plant Promix-100.MB: gambar 5
Leasing  Mobile Concrete Plant Promix-100.MB Mobile Concrete Plant Promix-100.MB: gambar 6
Leasing  Mobile Concrete Plant Promix-100.MB Mobile Concrete Plant Promix-100.MB: gambar 7
Leasing  Mobile Concrete Plant Promix-100.MB Mobile Concrete Plant Promix-100.MB: gambar 8
Leasing  Mobile Concrete Plant Promix-100.MB Mobile Concrete Plant Promix-100.MB: gambar 9
Leasing  Mobile Concrete Plant Promix-100.MB Mobile Concrete Plant Promix-100.MB: gambar 10
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Published: 14h



Turkey, Şinik OSB Mahallesi 1 Nolu Cadde No:23 Akçaabat / Trabzon
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Informasi lebih lanjut

Mega Concrete Batching Plants - Quality and Economy Together!

Are you looking for high-quality and cost-effective concrete batching plants that meet your company's needs? At Mega Concrete Batching Plants, we offer ideal solutions tailored to your projects!

100 m³ Mobile Concrete Batching Plant

• 2000/3000 L Twinshaft Mixer

• 4x10=40 m³ Aggregate Bunker and Weighing Hopper

• 1000x11800 mm Transfer Belt

• 100 Ton Cement Silo and Screw Conveyor

• Cement, Additive, and Water Weighing System

• Compressor, Pneumatic System, and Pumps

• Electrical Panel and Software

• Operator Cabin

Key Features:

✅ 2-year warranty (option to extend for an additional 5 years)

✅ High-quality product – affordable price

✅ Low investment cost

✅ Free infrastructure preparation project and test production

✅ Free installation

✅ Free operator training

✅ User-friendly software/automation system

✅ 24/7 customer support

✅ Low energy consumption

✅ Low maintenance cost and easily available spare parts in every country

✅ On-time production, delivery, and installation

✅ Safe trade with fixed price guarantee

✅ Internationally recognized warranty commitments

✅ Easy to dismantle and relocate to another site

For more technical and commercial details about our concrete batching plants, visit our website:

???? https://megaconcreteplants.com/100-m%c2%b3-h-mobile-concrete-plant-for-sale/

Watch our 100 m³ Mobile Concrete Batching Plant video on YouTube:

???? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q3GGr0JUOhY

???? Contact us 24/7:

Mega Concrete Batching Plants

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