Peralatan konstruksi dari Belanda dari Nijmegen, Apeldoorn, Ede, Zutphen, Doetinchem, Tahun: 2016
Hasil ditemukan: 39
Lihat Peralatan konstruksi untuk sewa guna usaha

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Volvo L180H | 3th function
Wheel loader
201612004 jamBerat bersih: 29700 kg334 hp
Belanda, BIG 5 De Tweede Geerden 35 Velddriel
Published: 2hNomor referensi 00033050
85 000EUR
Harga tanpa PPN
- ≈ 1 510 390 500 IDR
- ≈ 92 230 USD
201612004 jamBerat bersih: 29700 kg334 hp
Belanda, BIG 5 De Tweede Geerden 35 Velddriel
Hubungi penjual

Lihat semua foto (21)
Hyundai HL 955
Wheel loader
20168345 jam197 hp
Belanda, Niederlande, Apeldoorn, Gelderland
Published: 3h
31 950EUR
- ≈ 567 729 135 IDR
- ≈ 34 667 USD
20168345 jam197 hp
Belanda, Niederlande, Apeldoorn, Gelderland
Hubungi penjual

Lihat semua foto (13)
Wheel loader
20161150 jamBerat bersih: 4590 kg58 hp
Belanda, MATENDIJK 9 6733JD WEKEROM, Netherlands
Published: 6h
35 750EUR
Harga tanpa PPN
- ≈ 635 252 475 IDR
- ≈ 38 791 USD
20161150 jamBerat bersih: 4590 kg58 hp
Belanda, MATENDIJK 9 6733JD WEKEROM, Netherlands
FPM bv
Hubungi penjual

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Takeuchi TB108
Ekskavator mini
2016690 jamBerat bersih: 930 kg11 hp
Belanda, Hessenweg 16a
3771 RB BarneveldNetherlands
Published: 14hNomor referensi 240502
Tanyakan harga
2016690 jamBerat bersih: 930 kg11 hp
Belanda, Hessenweg 16a
3771 RB BarneveldNetherlands
Hubungi penjual

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Derek semua medan
201666 jam
Belanda, Buskesdries 14, 6673 DP Andelst, The Netherlands
Tanyakan harga
201666 jam
Belanda, Buskesdries 14, 6673 DP Andelst, The Netherlands
Hubungi penjual

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Derek semua medan
20167578 jam
Belanda, Buskesdries 14, 6673 DP Andelst, The Netherlands
229 000EUR
Harga tanpa PPN
- ≈ 4 069 169 700 IDR
- ≈ 248 481 USD
20167578 jam
Belanda, Buskesdries 14, 6673 DP Andelst, The Netherlands
Hubungi penjual

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JLG TOUCAN 8E A Electric, 8.2m Working Height, 2.65m R
Boom artikulasi
2016950 jam
Belanda, Niederlande, Groenlo
Published: 1bl -1hNomor referensi JLG - TOUCAN 8E A - 63312
Tanyakan harga
2016950 jam
Belanda, Niederlande, Groenlo
Hubungi penjual

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Atlas-Copco Qas60 6155h, 60KVA, 48KW
20166155 jamBerat bersih: 1430 kg
Belanda, Marconistraat 22, NL-6716 AK Ede, the Netherlands
Published: 1bl 9hNomor referensi 356836
7 900EUR
Harga tanpa PPN
- ≈ 140 377 470 IDR
- ≈ 8 572 USD
20166155 jamBerat bersih: 1430 kg
Belanda, Marconistraat 22, NL-6716 AK Ede, the Netherlands
Hubungi penjual

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Renault KERAX VLC 440.32 8x4 Liebherr HD010 Concrete Mixer
Truk pengaduk beton
2016164134 kmBerat bersih: 13930 kg449 hp
Belanda, BIG 5 De Tweede Geerden 35 Velddriel
Published: 1bl 12hNomor referensi 70001756
47 500EUR
Harga tanpa PPN
- ≈ 844 041 750 IDR
- ≈ 51 540 USD
2016164134 kmBerat bersih: 13930 kg449 hp
Belanda, BIG 5 De Tweede Geerden 35 Velddriel
Hubungi penjual

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Atlas-Copco P6500 5 KVA, 230 V, 579 h
2016597 jamBerat bersih: 79 kg
Belanda, Marconistraat 22, NL-6716 AK Ede, the Netherlands
Published: 1bl 13hNomor referensi 065534
Harga tanpa PPN
- ≈ 10 217 347 IDR
- ≈ 623 USD
2016597 jamBerat bersih: 79 kg
Belanda, Marconistraat 22, NL-6716 AK Ede, the Netherlands
Hubungi penjual

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Spider lift
20161900 jam
Belanda, Buskesdries 14, 6673 DP Andelst, The Netherlands
Tanyakan harga
20161900 jam
Belanda, Buskesdries 14, 6673 DP Andelst, The Netherlands
Hubungi penjual

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Ammann ACR 60 Rammer
Pelat getar
2016Berat bersih: 62 kg
Belanda, Marconistraat 22, NL-6716 AK Ede, the Netherlands
Published: 1bl 26hNomor referensi 080877
Harga tanpa PPN
- ≈ 15 814 677 IDR
- ≈ 965 USD
2016Berat bersih: 62 kg
Belanda, Marconistraat 22, NL-6716 AK Ede, the Netherlands
Hubungi penjual

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AIRO XL16E H 13.8 mtr, Max 500 kg
Platform pengangkat
2016336 jamBerat bersih: 7050 kg
Belanda, Marconistraat 22, NL-6716 AK Ede, the Netherlands
Published: 2bl 3hNomor referensi 225871
12 900EUR
Harga tanpa PPN
- ≈ 229 223 970 IDR
- ≈ 13 997 USD
2016336 jamBerat bersih: 7050 kg
Belanda, Marconistraat 22, NL-6716 AK Ede, the Netherlands
Hubungi penjual

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Tadano Faun ATF50G-3 Dutch Registration, Valid inspection
Derek semua medan
201699570 km
Belanda, Niederlande, Groenlo
Published: 2bl 11hNomor referensi TADANO - Faun ATF50G-3 - 60712
Tanyakan harga
201699570 km
Belanda, Niederlande, Groenlo
Hubungi penjual

Liebherr LTM1070-4.2 Dutch Vehicle Registration, Valid Insp
Derek semua medan
20162512 jam
Belanda, Niederlande, Groenlo
Published: 2bl 11hNomor referensi LIEBHERR - LTM1070-4.2 - 61271
Tanyakan harga
20162512 jam
Belanda, Niederlande, Groenlo
Hubungi penjual

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Pramac GSW50Y 6515 h, 35 KW, MAX 43,9 KVA
20166515 jam
Belanda, Marconistraat 22, NL-6716 AK Ede, the Netherlands
Published: 3bl 3hNomor referensi 567870
5 900EUR
Harga tanpa PPN
- ≈ 104 838 870 IDR
- ≈ 6 401 USD
20166515 jam
Belanda, Marconistraat 22, NL-6716 AK Ede, the Netherlands
Hubungi penjual

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Kaeser M130 105 KW, Max 12 bar
Kompresor udara
20162348 jamBerat bersih: 2463 kg
Belanda, Marconistraat 22, NL-6716 AK Ede, the Netherlands
Published: 3bl 4hNomor referensi C358NW
13 800EUR
Harga tanpa PPN
- ≈ 245 216 340 IDR
- ≈ 14 973 USD
20162348 jamBerat bersih: 2463 kg
Belanda, Marconistraat 22, NL-6716 AK Ede, the Netherlands
Hubungi penjual

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Palazzani TSJ30-1 Palazzani TSJ 30.1
Boom teleskopik
20164123 jamBerat bersih: 4650 kg
Belanda, Marconistraat 22, NL-6716 AK Ede, the Netherlands
Published: 3bl 8hNomor referensi PT3604
39 900EUR
Harga tanpa PPN
- ≈ 708 995 070 IDR
- ≈ 43 294 USD
20164123 jamBerat bersih: 4650 kg
Belanda, Marconistraat 22, NL-6716 AK Ede, the Netherlands
Hubungi penjual

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TOYOTA Taigo 25
Ekskavator mini
20164300 jam
Belanda, VITTERWEG 00007 6741JN LUNTEREN, Netherlands
Published: 3bl 23hNomor referensi 13022
Tanyakan harga
20164300 jam
Belanda, VITTERWEG 00007 6741JN LUNTEREN, Netherlands
Hubungi penjual

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Manitou Man Go 12
Boom artikulasi
20161685 jamBerat bersih: 4150 kg24 hp
Belanda, STADHOUDERSMOLENWEG 00216 7317AZ APELDOORN, The Netherlands
Published: 3bl 26hNomor referensi KH8606
23 900EUR
Harga tanpa PPN
- ≈ 424 686 270 IDR
- ≈ 25 933 USD
20161685 jamBerat bersih: 4150 kg24 hp
Belanda, STADHOUDERSMOLENWEG 00216 7317AZ APELDOORN, The Netherlands
Hubungi penjual
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