Mesin penanam kentang Perdu
Published: 14h

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Published: 14h
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Lihat apa yang ada di stok sekarangIklan ini telah dihapus dari basis data kami. Namun, Anda dapat mengirimkan formulir "Ingin iklan": Perdu
Pasang iklan yang diinginkanPerdu 2 row planting machine
- For soilblocks, super seedling and paperpots
- Plant distance adjustable (by changing gears)
- 4 cups/element
- Roller width 125 cm
- Row distance min.55 cm ( currently 65 cm)
- Row distance max 80 cm
Planting distance Perdu planting machines
Number of teeth / gear Number of planting tubes
Bottom Top 6 5 4 3
28 28 32
30 28 35
30 27 36
30 26 37
30 25 38
36 30 39
30 24 40
30 23 41
36 28 28 34 42 56
36 27 29 35 43 57
36 26 30 36 45 60
36 25 31 37 46 62
36 24 32.5 39 49 65
36 23 33 51 68
36 22 35 53 70
Planting distance in cm
More information or a quote? Do this quick and easily via the Duijndam Machines website! You can also give us a call.
See all the available machines at our website.
- Since 1977 supplier of reliable used agricultural and horticultural equipment
- Machines are checked for delivery
- Experienced team
- We can help you with getting the machine to your company
Duijndam Machines
The specialist in used agriculture and horticulture machinery
More information
Field of application: Agriculture
Penawaran ini hanya untuk tujuan informasi. Silakan konfirmasi detailnya langsung dengan penjual.
The seller didn't indicate the price
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Lihat apa yang ada di stok sekarangIklan ini telah dihapus dari basis data kami. Namun, Anda dapat mengirimkan formulir "Ingin iklan": Perdu
Pasang iklan yang diinginkanPenawaran ini hanya untuk tujuan informasi. Silakan konfirmasi detailnya langsung dengan penjual.